Join us in knocking out Parkinson’s Disease!

Join us in knocking out Parkinson’s Disease!


Bravely confronting Parkinson’s disease with courage and determination – Join us!

Parkinson’s Warriors
Improving lives through exercise

“Come on” Lori enthusiastically belts out. “Find your power”

Research indicates, active and routine exercise extends a life of mobility and living confidently, as the most effective strategy to interrupt the progressive symptoms of Parkinson’s

Knock out the progression of Parkinson’s disease with our researched science-based exercise classes, specialized training, and supportive community resources.

Group classes

Our approach focuses on Parkinson’s-specific exercises and non-contact boxing to help increase intensity, open joints, extend reach and enhance neuroplasticity of the brain.

One-on-one training

Private sessions for those who may benefit from individualized attention.

Support group for care partners

Contact us for more information.

Serving a critical need

The Oregon Parkinson’s Warriors Foundation (OPWF) is a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of people living with Parkinson’s disease

Engaging in exercises such as boxing and movement practices promotes an active and fulfilling lifestyle, dedicated to enhancing mobility and overall well-being.

We are currently focused on the estimated 1,000 people living with Parkinson’s in Lane County, Oregon.

“We call ourselves warriors because we’re courageous and steadfast in our mission to knock out the progression of Parkinson’s disease. We know our obstacles and don’t give in to fear! We have personal integrity, optimism and strong camaraderie—a commitment to our fellow warriors. We hold life as precious and worth protecting.”

—Lori B. Havas, founder and executive director


I began Lori’s boxing for Parkinson’s about a year ago and it is definitely helping!!!  We do cognitive exercises for our brains, strengthening exercises and then boxing which helps us to get a level of higher intensity than we could on our own. She changes the program every month so it is never boring. Lori encourages us and is always upbeat. She has a heart for Parkinson’s and understands the frustrations that we are all dealing with. Lori is loved by all and is highly respected. Happy Feet

My husband has been taking this class for over a month now and I have already seen improvements in his balance. It’s a great class!” Sue

Lori has helped the warriors create a strong bond of friendship and like-mindedness. We help and support each other in our efforts to improve both our physical and mental health.
I would strongly and happily recommend this class to anyone with Parkinson’s disease who is looking to stop the progression and improve their quality of life. The Hammer

I have been in boxing class for a year. The boxing class, with Lori Havas as the teacher, has become one of the most important parts of my life. It provides challenging, yet do-able exercises for strength, balance and coordination. Lori creates an atmosphere of support and fun that keeps us all going. Don

Lori certainly encourages everyone to work as hard as they can on any given day, but, it is her laughter at us and herself that makes it so much fun. Buttons

Few people are true healers. Healers assume many forms and techniques, holding a different look, on the use of the most sacred of arts. One thing true healers have in common is passion, for life, a touch, personal power. There is no doubt that Lori has those elemental qualities. “Come on” she enthusiastically belts out. “Find your power”  rhythmically counting the classes’ moves. “Come on”, with a bit of a growl for encouragement. “You can do it.” Clearly a loving, inspired teacher for her respectful, inspired students. The Pugilator